Home Instead - North & East Indianapolis's Logo

Home Instead - North & East Indianapolis

Home Instead - North & East Indianapolis

941 E. 86th St, Ste 250,
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Home Instead - North & East Indianapolis's Logo

Overview of Home Instead - North & East Indianapolis

Home Instead - North & East Indianapolis, located in Indianapolis, IN offers home care (non-medical)

Senior care services from Home Instead® help to enhance the aging experience by providing practical support at home with a human touch. Our professional caregivers immerse themselves into wherever home is to assist with common activities of daily living and build a lasting relationship with you and your family.

Home Instead of North & East Indianapolis believes families should have the necessary knowledge to choose the best home care company for them. We understand that starting the process of looking for home care can be daunting, so we've created a number of questions to help you compare home care companies!

Home Instead - North & East Indianapolis is part of Home Instead. See all locations within Home Instead

Service Area

Serving North Indianapolis, Carmel, Fishers

Serving East Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Lawrence, Cumberland, McCordsville, Irvington, Geist

Payor Sources

Private Pay
LTC Insurance
Medicaid Waiver

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