Premium Membership

Looking for high-quality leads without the costly referral fees? Move your listing from Verified to Premium and see more views, clicks and leads!

Premium Membership

Looking for high-quality leads without the costly referral fees? Move your listing from Verified to Premium and see more views, clicks and leads!

Meet Senior Care Finder

We provide an intuitive and innovative platform that directly connects millions of individuals seeking senior living or care with their very best options. As a provider, you know how important it is to stand out in a competitive market. That's why we offer Premium Membership - a way to boost your listing’s visibility, attract new prospects, and grow your business - without the referral or listing fees.


Meet Senior Care Finder

We provide an intuitive and innovative platform that directly connects millions of individuals seeking senior living or care with their very best options. As a provider, you know how important it is to stand out in a competitive market. That's why we offer Premium Membership - a way to boost your listing’s visibility, attract new prospects, and grow your business - without the referral or listing fees.


Amplify Your Brand

Each day, millions of consumers choose Senior Care Finder to help them find the right senior living or care.  Premium Listings are guaranteed 'page one' placement in all searches done in their area ensuring your listing stands out from the 100,000+ other providers. 

Amplify Your Brand

Each day, millions of consumers choose Senior Care Finder to help them find the right senior living or care.  Premium Listings are guaranteed 'page one' placement in all searches done in their area ensuring your listing stands out from the 100,000+ other providers. 

Get High-Quality Leads - Without Referral Fees!

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Connect Directly with Consumers

After analyzing over 300 Premium partners, data shows that Premium Listings receive an average of 6X more leads than Verified Listings. Senior Care Finder puts you in direct contact with families searching via phone call, web visit or web form. 

Connect Directly with Consumers

After analyzing over 300 Premium partners, data shows that Premium Listings receive an average of 6X more leads than Verified Listings. Senior Care Finder puts you in direct contact with families searching via phone call, web visit or web form. 

Premium Membership FAQ

How much does a Premium Membership cost?
Premium Membership is a monthly subscription, with no additional fees for listing or move-ins.
> What type of impact should I expect to see from Premium Membership?
Communities that move to Premium Membership see increased listings views, inbound calls, and scheduled tours. By the time individuals connect with you, they have already identified your community as a top option - making it easy for your team to convert leads to move-ins.

> Does this interfere with our SEO efforts? 
Not at all! In fact, we complement your existing SEO efforts by capitalizing on our own keyword optimization and website traffic. 
How do I sign up for Premium Membership?
Signing up is easy - simply send an email with the listings you'd like to move to Premium and we can have you on page one by the end of the day.